Thursday, 25 August 2016

Millions of Angels

Sunday's second reading gives us a picture of the glory of heaven:
...what you have come to is Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem where the millions of angels have gathered...
As I read it, I keep thinking of the Sanctus from Bach's B minor Mass. Few other pieces of music speak to me so vividly of the glory of heaven.

However, the first reading, psalm, and gospel readings remind us of our duty to care for the poor and remind us:
…great though the power of the Lord is, he accepts the homage of the humble.
I remember a comment I read somewhere about another setting of the Sanctus, this time by the 20th century French composer, Poulenc: "Here the angels seem to take themselves lightly and dance on tiptoe!" See what you think.