Thursday 30 March 2017

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Knowing the Mass 3

We have now had the final session of our Knowing the Mass series. Again, the response in terms of numbers and enthusiasm was very encouraging. For those who couldn't be there this morning, here is the handout. The abbreviation GIRM = General Instruction on the Roman Missal.

If you want to look back at previous session here again is the material from Sesssion 1, and here from Session 2.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Youth Poll

Every few years, the Pope invites Bishops from around the world, and other advisors, to meet with him to discuss an important topic in the life of the Church. This is called a Synod. In 2018, the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will cover the theme "Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment".

The preparatory document for the Synod provides an inspiring context for the General Assembly as it challenges the Church to listen, accompany and help young people hear God’s call.

The Home Mission Office and the National Office for Vocation are teaming up to prepare for this special event in the life of the Church.

Pope Francis wants young people and those who engage with them to take part in the consultation process. Remember - your voice matters!

Youth Poll
There are a lot of important questions the Catholic Church in England and Wales would like to ask young people. If you are aged between 13 and 29 years old and live in England or Wales, please respond to the Youth Mega Poll.

Separate Poll
If you're a parent, teacher, chaplain, youth worker or priest who regularly engages with young people aged between 13 and 29 years old, please contact asking to be sent the poll that applies to you.

Friday 24 March 2017

NB Corrected Newsletter

The original version of the newsletter, posted on Thursday was incorrect. Here is the corrected version.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Knowing the Mass 2

It was good to see so many people at our second session on "Knowing the Mass" this morning. For those who missed it, or who didn't take the notes, you can find the basis of our study here.

We meet in the crypt for coffee and the final session next Wednesday, 29th March, after the 9.30am Mass.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Thursday 9 March 2017

Ashby Foodbank

Ashby foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust network of 410 foodbanks; opened in May 2013 we are now nearly four years old.
Trussell Trust is a Christian Charity whose aim is to show the love of Jesus reaching out to others by providing emergency food for people in crisis.
It works on a referral system and unlike other independent foodbanks only gives out dried or tinned food making up a balanced diet for the recipients, 10 meals per family member for three days, in addition other goods such as toilet roll, toothpaste, soap and other essentials are included if they are available.
Ashby foodbank is supported by all of the Churches and schools in Ashby, and also in the immediate surrounding area, who of whom provide us with volunteers and food donations; we have a current stock level of around 3.5 tonnes.
We are open on Tuesday morning from 9.30 – 11.30am and on Friday from 2.30 – 4.30pm.
Emergency boxes are held by several (outside of Ashby) agencies including One Recovery Addiction Centre and Trent & Dove Housing Association in Burton, Sinfin and Coleman Street Health Centre’s and Austin Children’s Centre in Derby.
While the food pack is being made up a volunteer sign-poster will sit and chat to the client over a cup of tea. Through general conversation (we are not allowed to ask direct questions) they try to find the pressure points and stresses, often multiple reasons, affecting that person’s life.
The foodbank is not an extension of social services but is there to help break the cycle of dependency, by listening and then pointing the client to the service or services best able to help them.
Clients may be referred to the foodbank up to three times, after this contact must be made with the referring agency to ascertain if other help is in hand, of course no-one will be refused food if they are in need.
Surprisingly there are many local families (in what is perceived to be a relatively affluent area) living below the poverty line and struggling to feed their families, mostly because of debt, illness, delay in benefits, family breakdown, redundancy or a combination of these things. We have recently seen an increase in single people and single parent families.
Each red voucher asks for specific information, the total number of family members, children (under 16) and adults, their address including postcode, the main reason they have been referred and any secondary reasons.  We are finding that the reason stated on the voucher may not be the root cause of the situation, and this is where the signposting volunteer is invaluable in building up a birds-eye view of the person’s life.
We work closely with Cap Debt Help, they often refer clients to the foodbank when they are managing their lives on a very tight budget , we in turn find many clients reluctant to admit to debt, but if they do, we signpost them to CAP.
We also refer clients to CAP Money Course to learn about managing their money using a cash only system CAP Job Club and from now onwards CAP Release Group.
We look forward to helping more local families during 2017.

Noreen Mewies
February 2017

Newsletter for 11/12 March - Lent 2(A)

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

Please don't forget the CAFOD Fast Day this Friday, 10th March: please bring the savings to Mass at the weekend, using the special envelope with your details if you are a taxpayer.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Knowing the Mass 1

It was good to see the room at the back of the crypt full for our Lent session on the Mass this morning. For those who missed it, or who didn't take the notes, you can find the basis of our study here.
Future sessions are at 10am in the crypt - after the 9.30am Mass.
  • Wednesday, 22nd March: Memorial & Sacrifice, Meal & Presence
  • Wednesday, 29th March: The Structure of the Mass
You are welcome whether or not you made it to the first session.

As a concluding reflection we listened to this lovely setting of Tantum Ergo by Deodat de Séverac.

Monday 6 March 2017

CAFOD Lent Fast Day 2017

Thanks to Janet, our CAFOD contact, who spoke about this Friday's Fast Day at the end of our weekend Masses.

This video reinforces and develops what Janet told us:

Janet also mentioned a simple soup recipe for Friday's Fast Day. Here it is:

You can download a printable version here.

Welcome Phil

Yesterday, Phil Vranjes from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, attended our Cathedral, and along with many people from across the Diocese, was greeted by Bishop Patrick. We look forward to welcoming Phil into the Church by Baptism, Confirmation, and first Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil. Yesterday's "Rite of Election" at the Cathedral was part of the final preparation for this. Please keep him in your prayers.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Newsletter for 4/5 March - Lent 1(A)

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

Prayer & Pancakes

Our February Holy Hour for Vocations was on the last day of the month. The day in question was both Fr Colin's Ordination Anniversary, and Shrove Tuesday.
A goodly number of people assembled in Our Lady of Lourdes for a very prayerful hour, and then repaired to the Presbytery to enjoy pancakes and a glass of wine.
Many thanks to all who took part, and to Marie Allen for providing a seemingly endless supply of pancakes.