Friday 25 March 2016

Easter newsletter.

Newsletter, one sided but two weeks here.

Here are some pictures to remind us of the beautiful Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper:

I  have given you an example...

Almost ready to start...
Our Gethsemane

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Fifteen Years ago...

...the parish celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Fr Peter Tierney. His brother-in-law, Roy, recently gave me some photos of the occasion. It is fascinating to see so many familiar faces - looking just a little younger!

Fr Peter Golden Jubilee

Funeral arrangements for Father Adrian Chatterton

Monday 4th April 2016 - 6.30 pm - Reception of the Body and Mass in Rearsby Convent. Mgr Tom McGovern will be the Celebrant.

Tuesday 5th April 2016 - 11.00 am - Funeral Mass in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, followed by the Rite of Committal at Rearsby. Bishop Patrick will be the Celebrant.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Holy Week Newsletter 2016

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

Above all, please make sure you are there for the services of the Easter Triduum:

Our Lady of Lourdes, Ashby:                                                   
Holy Thursday     7.30pm    Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday        3.00pm    The Passion of the Lord
Holy Saturday     7.00pm     Easter Vigil Mass
                                               NB No Mass at 5.30pm

St Charles, Measham:
Holy Saturday     7.00pm     Easter Vigil Mass
                                               NB No Mass at 6.45pm

Request from Blessed Robert Sutton

Blessed Robert Sutton is seeking workplaces to host young people for their annual work experience placements later this year.  Could you help?  Year 10 work experience week begins Monday 20th June until Friday 24th June and Year 12 work experience/volunteering fortnight begins Monday 4th July (we are seeking one and two week placements for them).  If you, your company, or an organisation you are aware of could offer a placement, please contact Julie McAulay at the school to discuss.  01283 749450 or email

Vacancy at the Briars

The Briars Catholic Youth Retreat Centre are seek to appoint a Programme Coordinator to deliver residential retreat programmes to young people age 11-18. Full details here.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Showing God's Mercy.

Here are some of the images and reflections we used at the Wednesday morning session in the crypt this week:

Here is a reflection on the Corporal Works of Mercy we used at the session.

The pictures and thoughts on the Spiritual Works of Mercy in the presentation come from here. You can find the full reflections by following the link.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Forthcoming "SPANNED" events

Have you heard of SPANNED - (Supporting People with Additional Needs in the Nottingham Diocese)? You can learn more about this inspirational group here.

'Without Words... How to preach the Gospel in a Secular World’ is a special day being organised by SPANNED for priests, teachers, catechists and anyone involved in communicating the Gospel to others, to be held in the Mary Forryan Centre, St Peter’s Church, Hinckley on Saturday 30th April from 10.30am until 3.30pm. There is no fee, and please bing a packed lunch For further information or to register, please contact Fr Frank Daly (01455 634443;

The Balm of Mercy is the title of a musical for the Year of Mercy, especially written at Bishop Patrick's request. It will feature words to the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber and dancing to the music of Riverdance, and will be performed on the weekend of 15th & 16th October at St Peter’s Church, Hinckley by the 'Mother Mary' choir and SPANNED. If any singers and young people who can dance would like to be involved, rehearsals start in Hinckley on Sunday 8th May at 2.30 pm. Please contact Fr.Frank Daly (01455 634443; if you are interested. The production team is also looking for sponsors and advertisers.

Teaching Vacancy in Nottingham

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary Academy, Nottingham are seeking to appoint a KS1 or KS2 Phase Leader . Further details are available from the school ,    Closing date: 20th April 2016

Sunday 13 March 2016

Stations this afternoon

This afternoon at OLOL we made the Way of the Cross using material from, the Jubilee of Mercy website for our own diocese. These prayers link the traditional devotion to the great themes of the Jubilee of Mercy.

Whether or not you were with us this afternoon, you can access the prayers here.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Newsletter for 12/13 March - Lent 5(C)

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

If you read this post on the day of publication, please remember the Deanery Reconciliation Celebration for the Jubilee of Mercy this evening, Thursday, 10th March:

Sunday 6 March 2016

Church Doors

I know some parishioners have been following the video series Elements of the Catholic Mass. I thought this week's episode about Church Doors could be particularly interesting in this Jubilee Year as we reflect on the imagery of the Door as a symbol of mercy.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Father Adrian Chatterton RIP

Of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of Father Adrian Chatterton, the last resident parish priest of St Charles Borromeo, Measham, who retired in 2001 and who died suddenly this week at the age of 80.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

24 Hours for the Lord

Here is Bishop Patrick's message, broadcast live to schools yesterday.

And here is a booklet produced for this weekend. I have only looked at a few parts of it, but I have already found some real treasures.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Holy Week Services 2016

Downloadable, printable version here.

Newsletter for 5/6 March - Lent 4(C)

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

With last week’s donations from those who were away over half term, the total from our two parishes has reached £1,033.87. This will be worth well over twice that amount once the Gift Aid, and UK Aid Match funding are reclaimed by CAFOD. Thank you for this generous response to our call to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty, two of the Corporal Works of Mercy.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Knowing God's Mercy

Here are some of the images and reflections we used at the Wednesday morning session in the crypt this week:


Here is a handout on Indulgences, and here is a bible study on the Good Samaritan, both from

A reminder of the final meeting in this series to reflect on Jubilee of Mercy themes:
Wednesday at 10.00am in the Crypt:
16 March: Showing God’s Mercy

Tuesday 1 March 2016

The People's Projects... you the chance to decide how National Lottery funding can make a difference in your local community.

The Big Lottery Fund have set aside £3 million of National Lottery funding and with 95 organisations shortlisted, we want you to vote for the projects you would like to receive funding.

The projects are competing for up to £50,000 of funding to improve the lives of people in their communities. Search for your local projects and cast your vote by noon on 13 March 2016.

For more details, click here. Among the projects very close to home is this one. I hear good things about it from a number of Catholics who are involved in it. It's only a question of clicking to vote. No money asked for - no annoying follow-up emails!

Vacancy for a Catholic Headteacher - Hinckley

The governors of St. Peter's Catholic Primary School, Hinckley are seeking to appoint a new headteacher. For details contact the School Business Manager, Mrs Christine Makepeace at or on 01455 634087. The closing date for applications is Friday 11th