Thursday, 9 June 2016

The EU Referendum

Our Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission has published this statement:

Pope Francis has urged us to ask ourselves “Who is my neighbour?” He reminds us that peace and solidarity were among the ideals which began to shape the EU from the end of World War II. As a people called by God to reflect his love in the world, we are challenged to be generous and welcoming to all others. As a nation we value mutual respect and tolerance and care about the future of our nation in the world.
The Justice and Peace Commission urge you to pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit as we approach the EU referendum on 23rd June. We ask that, having weighed both sides of the argument, you will keep the following at the forefront of your minds as you make your decision on which way to vote:
Does my decision reflect the commandment to love my neighbour as myself?
Is my decision rooted in Gospel values?
How can I use my vote to promote the human dignity of all the people of Europe?
Does my decision promote justice and peace in the world?
 How can I use my vote to best serve the common good of all peoples?

You may also like to take another look at the statement from the Bishops of England and Wales which I posted a couple of months ago.