Thursday, 18 February 2016

Newsletter for 20/21 February - Lent 2(C)

Click here to read this weekend's newsletter

Please remember that this Friday, 19th February, is the CAFOD Lent Fast Day. We deny ourself something, and bring the savings (hopefully plus some more) to Church on Sunday. Please use the special envelopes distributed last weekend, and sign the gift aid declaration in you are a taxpayer. During this Jubilee of Mercy it would be wonderful if we were able to raise a record amount in response to the call of Pope Francis to revisit the Works of Mercy. These include feeing the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty.

Once again this year, every £1 you raise for the Lent Appeal will be doubled by the UK government, making every effort worth twice as much for people living in poverty around the world. Can our two parishes make it into four figures between them?