Thursday, 29 June 2017

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Procession of the Blessed Sacrament

This morning we thanked God with those who received their First Holy Communion at the weekend. We processed from St Charles' Church into school following the Blessed Sacrament. We gathered in the school hall and remembered Sunday's Mass: there is no need to be afraid because Jesus, our mighty hero, our gentle friend is with us in the Sacred Host. After our Procession concluded with Benediction we had a celebration lunch. Thanks be to God!

Following the Lord

A moment of adoration

Our First Communicants

The celebrations continue

Monday, 26 June 2017

First Holy Communions 2017

De Lisle - Vacancy for Lay Chaplain

The Governors wish to appoint a Lay Chaplain who will work with school students, staff, local clergy and Governors to promote and maintain the Catholic ethos and spiritual values of this ‘outstanding Catholic’ secondary school (Section 48). This is an exciting opportunity to be the lead Chaplain to establish and lead a team of Lay Chaplains who will work across its Family of Schools and those schools who form The Blessed Cyprian Tansi Catholic Academy Trust. Applicants are sought from practising Catholics with a genuine passion for finding new ways of enthusing and encouraging teenagers on their faith journey. This is a full time post with annualised hours.

All details and application form here.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Newsletter for 24/25 June- Sunday 12(A)

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

Please pray for our children as they receive the Lord in Holy Communion for the first time this weekend.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Grenfell Tower Tragedy

Some of you may remember Fr Gerard Skinner. As a student in Rome, he was one of the guides when Fr Peter Tierney took us to Rome and Assisi in 2000. He is now parish priest of a parish which has been very much in the "front line" of the relief effort in the wake of the recent tragedy. I came across this account from Fr Skinner online:
Our hearts truly go out to all who have been deeply affected by the tragedy that unfolded from the early hours of Wednesday morning. It is impossible to imagine the pain of those who have lost family and friends or those who are in anguish while they try to discover where loved ones are. With all my heart please know that the prayers of this parish are with you all.
At present I know that families from our parish community cannot find members of their family – other families have lost their homes and all their possessions. So many of us will know others who lived at Grenfell Tower who have suffered so much. We pray for all who are suffer now and for all who have died.
From early on Wednesday morning our Church became the most incredible hub. Many came to pray in our church. Scores of volunteers spontaneously came to Parish Centre and began receiving hundreds of bags of clothes and other items that will be of use to those who have lost everything. They sorted the donated items into boxes that were piled high in the church and courtyard. Human chains passed each box from the Parish Centre & courtyard out to waiting vans. Meanwhile in the centre other volunteers welcomed anyone who needed a place to seek refuge – some of those who came had lost their homes – others had been evacuated from homes near the Grenfell Tower. Some were looking for loved ones – others were escaping from the media attention at the nearby Rugby –Portobello Club where they had been awaiting news of relatives with whom they had lost contact.
Parishioners and men and women from all parts of London came together in the most compassionate and community spirited way imaginable. Fr Peter Wilson and Fr Peter Scott have been untiring in their support for the community at this time. The Cardinal will be meeting and praying with those afflicted tomorrow & Bishop John Wilson has visited us on Wednesday and our school today. All deserve the highest praise possible and thanks for the outpouring of care and kindness over the last few days.
Thank you to everyone who has offered prayers & support for this community at this time - it is truly appreciated.
The immediate response given in the Parish Centre has now concluded. Again a huge thank you to all who each played an indispensable part in offering comfort in such a dark time.
Now we must be attentive to the ongoing care of those who are in great need and all who have been traumatised by this terrible time.
May God grant eternal rest to those who have died and help us all, especially those most in need, now and in the days and years ahead.
Fr Gerard Skinner
Please keep all involved in your prayers

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Newsletter for 17/18 June - Corpus Christi

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

Here is a lovely musical reflection for this weekend.

English translation
Heavenly bread
That becomes the bread for all mankind;
Bread from the angelic host
That is the end of all imaginings;
Oh, miraculous thing!
This body of God will nourish
Even the poorest,
The most humble of servants.
Even the poorest,
The most humble of servants.

Heavenly bread
That becomes the bread for all mankind;
Bread from the angelic host
That is the end of all imaginings;
Oh, miraculous thing!
This body of God will nourish
Even the poorest,
The most humble of servants.
Even the poorest,
The most humble of servants.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Vote for Ethan!

Many of you will know Ethan who is very much part of our community at the 10am Mass at OLOL. You may be interested in this. There is a link at the top of the video screen to vote for Ethan to receive this funding.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Newsletter for 10/11 June - Trinity

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

One of the best known hymns sung in many Churches on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is "Firmly I believe and truly." Did you know that its original context is in Blessed John Henry Newman's "Dream of Gerontius". Here it is in the wonderful setting by Edward Elgar, and sung by tenor Peter Pears.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Newsletter for 3/4 June - Pentecost

Click here to read the latest  newsletter.

Please ask the Holy Spirit to guide us all as we prepared to fulfil our Christian duty of voting in the General Election on June 8th. Copies of the bishops' letter are still available in Church and the letter can be read online here.

As we prepare for the great Day of Pentecost, you might like to reflect on the Sequence for the feast. These words were written by the thirteenth century Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton. You will find an English translation under the video.

Holy Spirit, Lord of Light,
From the clear celestial height
Thy pure beaming radiance give.

Come, thou Father of the poor,
Come with treasures which endure
Come, thou light of all that live!

Thou, of all consolers best,
Thou, the soul’s delightful guest,
Dost refreshing peace bestow.

Thou in toil art comfort sweet
Pleasant coolness in the heat
Solace in the midst of woe.

Light immortal, light divine,
Visit thou these hearts of thine,
And our inmost being fill:

If thou take thy grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay
All his good is turned to ill.

Heal our wounds, our strength renew
On our dryness pour thy dew
Wash the stains of guilt away:

Bend the stubborn heart and will
Melt the frozen, warm the chill
Guide the steps that go astray.

Thou, on us who evermore
Thee confess and thee adore,
With thy sevenfold gifts descend:

Give us comfort when we die
Give us life with thee on high
Give us joys that never end.