Sunday 9 September 2018

Adoremus - the first two days.

I am deeply thankful that I was able to be in Liverpool for the first day of Adoremus 2018, the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress. ShalomWorldTV has provided a wonderful service to the Church in this country, screening the main events live, and posting them online so that we can catch up afterwards. You can catch up on everything here.

Here is my personal selection of what inspired me in the first two days from what is available online:
Talk by Sister Margaret Akins OSA - "Meals before the TV turn eating into feeding". What are the implications for our relationship with each other and the Eucharist?
First talk by Bishop Robert Barron - a brilliant look at the Mass, section by section, and our response to it.
Second talk by Bishop Robert Barron - How to be a Saint when I'm a sinner. Christ at the centre. It's not all about me!

I'm hoping that Sunday's Masses and Eucharistic Procession through the streets of Liverpool will be available before long. If/when they are, I will post them here.