Thursday 18 September 2014

Home Mission Sunday

This weekend is Home Mission Sunday.

Here is a prayer you might like to use:
Loving and merciful Father, we know and believe that you are near and are attentive to our every need.
We bring before you now all those we hold dear, who are distant from the family of faith, the Body of Christ.
Silently bring to mind the people that you know to whom this applies
We ask in the name of Jesus, Your Son, that you bless them abundantly. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, use us to reach out to them in a way that they feel free to respond.
May we all seek and discover afresh the joy of faith and life in Christ, and always remember that your ways are not our ways, that the last will be first, and the first last.
You can donate to the evangelistic work of the Church in England and Wales here.